The Initiative of the Parish Council of the Saint Cyril’s of Turau Cathedral and the General Directorate of the Belarusian-American Association (BAZA) established a Coordination Center in the building of the Cathedral in Brooklyn, New York. The Center collects stuff and money. It also purchases special equipment, medicines, and first aid kits made in the US to despatch them to the Belarusian volunteers. These young Belarusian patriots are fighting now for the freedom and independence of Ukraine.
The Initiative cooperates closely with an American company that is professionally engaged in supplying military ammunition and medical kits. The company president visited the building of the Cathedral a few days ago to coordinate the collaboration. As a result of the visit, the Initiative acquired a 30% discount for the purchases. Also, with the help of the Coordination Center, two Belarusian patriots were equipped with all the necessities they needed to defend Ukraine as volunteers: body armor, military boots, helmets, first aid kits, and lately, they flew to Ukraine to fight together with other Belarusians against the Russian invasion.
Today, Belarusians collected more than $15 000 from different sources. Therefore, we ask everyone to join the fundraising.
Glory to Ukraine!
Long live Belarus!
Address of the Cathedral:
401 Atlantic Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11217.
Contact information of the Center’s coordinators:
Andrus Dundukou: (347) -447-1953
Victar Danilau: (347) -337-4104