March 25th, known as Freedom Day, is an unofficial public holiday marking Belarus’ 1918 declaration of independence.
Belarus is a former Soviet republic of 9.4 million people that borders both Russia and Ukraine as well as Lithuania, Latvia, and Poland. It is also Europe’s last dictatorship. Since 1995 there is no free and fair election. Key decisions of Belarusian authorities, media activity, and even a significant part of the current opposition movement are controlled by the Kremlin. People increasingly cannot freely express their opinions about any of the government’s decisions, for fear of persecution and arrest.
The lack of international reaction to Lukashenko’s behavior for many years — alongside the economic pressure — pushed him closer to Russia. Recently, by hosting Russian troops and weapons, Lukashenko has shown that he is closely aligned with Putin — despite the popular will of the Belarusian people to maintain distance. The silencing of public opinion gives Putin more power to exploit Belarusian territory for his political and military interests.
Freedom from tyranny for Belarus means freedom for Ukraine and Europe!
The rally will start from the Russian Consulate at 2:30 PM and will be finished in Ralph Bunche Park across the United Nations Secretariat Building.
The event is organized by the Belarusian Enlightenment League of America (BELA) along with the Belarusian Institute of America (BIA), the Belarusian-American Association (BAZA), and the Belarusian-American Association “Pahonia”.
Address and time: 9 E 91st St, New York, NY 10128-0633, United States at 02:00 PM
Перамаглі фашызм – пераможам і рашызм! Жыве Беларусь!
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